Sketch Io 4 0

broken image

Draw Sketch 4.0

The Raspberry Pi is a tiny and affordable computer that you can use to learn programming through fun, practical projects. Join the global Raspberry Pi community. Sketchpad is available online and for download on PC and Mac. Whether you're working on a school poster or brainstorming your next comic book character, Sketchpad makes it easy to bring your ideas to life. Easily draw, edit photos, or design your next business card. Craft images for social media posts, digital ads, paper, or even apparel.

Computer Sketchpad


Drawing Websites For Pc

  • Sketch 4.0 will never exist. But I get your thinking.
    You know, the one thing that would blow my fucking mind .. breakpoints. Imagine being able to set breakpoint art board info. So I draw something at 360, set a breakpoint .. Change the art board size to 1024, and set the breakpoint. Then I could scale the art board into those fixed sizes (I'd see a list of those breakpoints) and it would effectively be like layer comps on different sizes of the same board.
    Include the ability to set a proportionate value to each element (unless I wanted it fixed) and then boom, I'm working with something that has the visual power of sketch, with the layout power of Xcode or Android Studio.
  • Dynamic Symbols to make things like buttons easier, or to make accurate templates for large chunks of recyclable design (eg: card designs with varying lengths)
    Distribution by specific units
    Key objects to align or distribute relative to
  • edited July 2016
    found the way to make it workPlus 1 for Paste-in-Place as I assume it's on the list
  • it would be great to have the option to switch the app to a dark interface!
  • Plus one for @ntzog's comment. I'd love to be able to switch into a dark interface in Sketch as well!
  • Ability to export layout guides with your artboard
  • edited July 2016
  • I really like to be able to work better with text. Web design is so much about typography.
  • Better control of text styles – I only want to make a text style when I am happy with it not automatically!
  • edited August 2016
    • Collaborative work with the project file. May be like GIT: commit, push, pull, compare and select changes for merging (Symbols and Artboards level)…
    • Override graphical property of symbol not only via external image (now) but also via another symbol (dream). For example: will can make a button with replacable icon (and all buttons with certain icon will update automatically after editing of this icon).
  • Better alignment options (Probably the way illustrator works). Tried a couple of plugins but they all require multiple processes to achieve the same result.
    Also outline view would be great.
  • Supporting Text IDs & Classes. I love styles but would be nice to be able to run two styles in one chunk of text
  • select and drag the nodes of Two different objects, very needed for resizing layouts in tables.
  • 1. Better typography control - interfaces are all about typography and Sketch leaves a lot to be desired compared to typography control in something like Photoshop/Illustrator.
    2. Proper color rendering - I know it's a complicated issue but Sketch needs to offer control over which profile is used for previewing artwork in the app so that your preview color matches your export color. telling people to set their monitor profile to sRGB is not a solution to proper color management!
  • edited August 2016

    One text style, different colors.

    Exactly what I want to see it too. Not only colors, but text alignment as well.
    For example, right now I'm experimenting how much text styles I'd need for a typical website and there are plenty of them. About 3/4 heading options, each being left, center and right aligned, and each being in contrast, pale, link and and inverse version. Then about 3/4 body type texts. Again, each being left, center and right aligned and each being in contrast, pale, link and inverse version. And this is just the beginning.
    For example, see attached image of what I'm experimenting today, hoping that this kind of started template could ease things in terms of typographical consistency.
  • In order of importance.
    - Dark UI theme. PLEASE.
    - Detachable tool pallets, so you can move your tools to your secondary monitor. The tool pallets are distracting and take up screen real-estate.
    - Changing canvas color.
    These 3 things are what a lot of us Photoshop users will comment about. They make a big difference in aiding in the conversion to Sketch.
  • edited August 2016
    I love Sketch so very much, but every day is an exercise in frustration over three basic aspects of the interaction:
    - Selection of items/continued interaction with selected items: Yes, after clicking on an item, Sketch automatically tries to find the largest overall group of items, to make moving groups easier. And yes, you can command-click an item to tunnel down through a group to select just your target. However, what happens after that is excruciating.. Even if the item has focus, if you try clicking on it again (so as to click-and-hold to move it using the mouse, for example), it loses focus, and automatically selects the enclosing group. After accidentally doing that 20 times in a day, I find myself wanting to punch the monitor.
    - Visual indication of moved distance: You know that little red-line-and-number indicator that shows when you move an item, showing how far it sits from the nearest significant item? Reminds me of how Photoshop does it.. except that in Sketch it's utterly useless. Its selection of significant items is puzzling at best, with text boxes it uses line height instead of baseline (or any other measure), and it doesn't always appear. As awful as Photoshop is, at least they stick to one simple behaviour: Show me how far I just moved this item, regardless of where it sits in the hierarchy. God I wish Sketch had this feature.
    - Proper snapping to grid: In its understandable pursuit of snapping-to-align with other items in the workspace, Sketch somehow bungled the snapping interaction altogether. When resizing or moving items, the poor bloody application sometimes doesn't know what to snap to (nearest grid line? edge of the nearest item?), and so doesn't snap at all, or snaps to the wrong place. Or, it steadfastly refuses to snap to anything but the arbitrarily-chosen item it deems more important than your layout. And when working with text, it's a pain, because again the enclosing line-height-based box is deemed more important than baseline.
    I waste so much time with these issues, and in the midst of the endless chorus of praise thrown upon Sketch, I do wonder if I'm the only one who is struggling with this..
    I don't need new features right now, all we need is a stable software there's bugs everywhere from the Undo to layout guides. Better watch out adobe XD as preview has less bugs than sketch.
    Please focus on that.
  • select and drag the nodes of Two different objects, very needed for resizing layouts in tables.

  • Just a quick addition to my earlier proposal for real time collaboration. Seems these guys are going to fix that later this year. Bo3 steam player count. For me, that one is a game changer in the design field. Funny that their browser based UI feels faster than Sketch as well
    I would love a Sketch with realtime connectivity!

    Their collaborate function seems to have gone live. It's a game changer. They only need symbols as well as Sketch now and they will be the first to really fix the collaboration challenge designers have had for decades.
  • character styles
    symbols — overrides — text color / object color and checkboxes for each element
  • Display P3 support and 16-bit per color component.
    Global swatches to be able to change the color of all elements using them.
  • Text Indent please!!
    Other people have covered the other things. I just have really found this issue to be repetitive for me.
    Love your product otherwise though This would just make it just that much better.
  • All the praise about Sketch—the glowing reviews, etc. I honestly can say, that I have not used a more buggy desktop application (other than when beta testing). The bugs in Sketch are mystifying. Some are so truly bizarre, that trying to describe them to Sketch support is next to impossible.
    Sketch has great potential, and a fantastic community behind it, but the application itself is not there yet.
    If I could choose some features/fixes to be tackled ASAP, they'd be..
    1. Rebuild the handling of text from the ground up. Blow it up and start again. It is a nightmare if you want to do anything other than use 1 font, 1 weight in a text field. I'm sure you've all tried to change the size of the first line of text to make it heading, then change the weight, then the line height—BOOM. Sketch has a meltdown. They claimed to have fixed the text bugs a few versions ago, but they simply did not—or a whole new group of bugs were born. No idea.
    2. Figure out a better way of handling the selection of objects on artboards. Currently, this is an exercise in frustration.
    3. Fix the layout grid bugs. Sometimes the grid will appear half off the artboard for no reason.

Drawing online

Funny Sketchpad drawing online - is a very fun program for lovers of creative drawing and experimentation! In fact, Sketchpad - is a virtual tool through which you can do all sorts of drawings and inscriptions by the lightweight fingers' stresses on the screen of the device.

You can draw online selecting colors and brushes to express your own mood, to do the stylish black-and-white and iridescent masterpieces. Sketchpad online paint having a pleasant and friendly to all interface makes it easy to save your 'works of art'. And then, if you wish, you can share your creativity with the world through social networks.

Sketch Io 5.1

Among the features of an application:

  • there is no advertising;
  • 4.0

  • painting online allows you to set your sketch as a wallpaper on your desktop;
  • there are sixteen brushes for every taste;
  • available canvas sizes of various kinds - from two hundred forty to three hundred and twenty to eight thousand two hundred eighty on;
  • there is Sketch tool for size controlling;
  • Draw

    Draw Sketch 4.0

    The Raspberry Pi is a tiny and affordable computer that you can use to learn programming through fun, practical projects. Join the global Raspberry Pi community. Sketchpad is available online and for download on PC and Mac. Whether you're working on a school poster or brainstorming your next comic book character, Sketchpad makes it easy to bring your ideas to life. Easily draw, edit photos, or design your next business card. Craft images for social media posts, digital ads, paper, or even apparel.

    Computer Sketchpad


    Drawing Websites For Pc

    • Sketch 4.0 will never exist. But I get your thinking.
      You know, the one thing that would blow my fucking mind .. breakpoints. Imagine being able to set breakpoint art board info. So I draw something at 360, set a breakpoint .. Change the art board size to 1024, and set the breakpoint. Then I could scale the art board into those fixed sizes (I'd see a list of those breakpoints) and it would effectively be like layer comps on different sizes of the same board.
      Include the ability to set a proportionate value to each element (unless I wanted it fixed) and then boom, I'm working with something that has the visual power of sketch, with the layout power of Xcode or Android Studio.
    • Dynamic Symbols to make things like buttons easier, or to make accurate templates for large chunks of recyclable design (eg: card designs with varying lengths)
      Distribution by specific units
      Key objects to align or distribute relative to
    • edited July 2016
      found the way to make it workPlus 1 for Paste-in-Place as I assume it's on the list
    • it would be great to have the option to switch the app to a dark interface!
    • Plus one for @ntzog's comment. I'd love to be able to switch into a dark interface in Sketch as well!
    • Ability to export layout guides with your artboard
    • edited July 2016
    • I really like to be able to work better with text. Web design is so much about typography.
    • Better control of text styles – I only want to make a text style when I am happy with it not automatically!
    • edited August 2016
      • Collaborative work with the project file. May be like GIT: commit, push, pull, compare and select changes for merging (Symbols and Artboards level)…
      • Override graphical property of symbol not only via external image (now) but also via another symbol (dream). For example: will can make a button with replacable icon (and all buttons with certain icon will update automatically after editing of this icon).
    • Better alignment options (Probably the way illustrator works). Tried a couple of plugins but they all require multiple processes to achieve the same result.
      Also outline view would be great.
    • Supporting Text IDs & Classes. I love styles but would be nice to be able to run two styles in one chunk of text
    • select and drag the nodes of Two different objects, very needed for resizing layouts in tables.
    • 1. Better typography control - interfaces are all about typography and Sketch leaves a lot to be desired compared to typography control in something like Photoshop/Illustrator.
      2. Proper color rendering - I know it's a complicated issue but Sketch needs to offer control over which profile is used for previewing artwork in the app so that your preview color matches your export color. telling people to set their monitor profile to sRGB is not a solution to proper color management!
    • edited August 2016

      One text style, different colors.

      Exactly what I want to see it too. Not only colors, but text alignment as well.
      For example, right now I'm experimenting how much text styles I'd need for a typical website and there are plenty of them. About 3/4 heading options, each being left, center and right aligned, and each being in contrast, pale, link and and inverse version. Then about 3/4 body type texts. Again, each being left, center and right aligned and each being in contrast, pale, link and inverse version. And this is just the beginning.
      For example, see attached image of what I'm experimenting today, hoping that this kind of started template could ease things in terms of typographical consistency.
    • In order of importance.
      - Dark UI theme. PLEASE.
      - Detachable tool pallets, so you can move your tools to your secondary monitor. The tool pallets are distracting and take up screen real-estate.
      - Changing canvas color.
      These 3 things are what a lot of us Photoshop users will comment about. They make a big difference in aiding in the conversion to Sketch.
    • edited August 2016
      I love Sketch so very much, but every day is an exercise in frustration over three basic aspects of the interaction:
      - Selection of items/continued interaction with selected items: Yes, after clicking on an item, Sketch automatically tries to find the largest overall group of items, to make moving groups easier. And yes, you can command-click an item to tunnel down through a group to select just your target. However, what happens after that is excruciating.. Even if the item has focus, if you try clicking on it again (so as to click-and-hold to move it using the mouse, for example), it loses focus, and automatically selects the enclosing group. After accidentally doing that 20 times in a day, I find myself wanting to punch the monitor.
      - Visual indication of moved distance: You know that little red-line-and-number indicator that shows when you move an item, showing how far it sits from the nearest significant item? Reminds me of how Photoshop does it.. except that in Sketch it's utterly useless. Its selection of significant items is puzzling at best, with text boxes it uses line height instead of baseline (or any other measure), and it doesn't always appear. As awful as Photoshop is, at least they stick to one simple behaviour: Show me how far I just moved this item, regardless of where it sits in the hierarchy. God I wish Sketch had this feature.
      - Proper snapping to grid: In its understandable pursuit of snapping-to-align with other items in the workspace, Sketch somehow bungled the snapping interaction altogether. When resizing or moving items, the poor bloody application sometimes doesn't know what to snap to (nearest grid line? edge of the nearest item?), and so doesn't snap at all, or snaps to the wrong place. Or, it steadfastly refuses to snap to anything but the arbitrarily-chosen item it deems more important than your layout. And when working with text, it's a pain, because again the enclosing line-height-based box is deemed more important than baseline.
      I waste so much time with these issues, and in the midst of the endless chorus of praise thrown upon Sketch, I do wonder if I'm the only one who is struggling with this..
      I don't need new features right now, all we need is a stable software there's bugs everywhere from the Undo to layout guides. Better watch out adobe XD as preview has less bugs than sketch.
      Please focus on that.
    • select and drag the nodes of Two different objects, very needed for resizing layouts in tables.

    • Just a quick addition to my earlier proposal for real time collaboration. Seems these guys are going to fix that later this year. Bo3 steam player count. For me, that one is a game changer in the design field. Funny that their browser based UI feels faster than Sketch as well
      I would love a Sketch with realtime connectivity!

      Their collaborate function seems to have gone live. It's a game changer. They only need symbols as well as Sketch now and they will be the first to really fix the collaboration challenge designers have had for decades.
    • character styles
      symbols — overrides — text color / object color and checkboxes for each element
    • Display P3 support and 16-bit per color component.
      Global swatches to be able to change the color of all elements using them.
    • Text Indent please!!
      Other people have covered the other things. I just have really found this issue to be repetitive for me.
      Love your product otherwise though This would just make it just that much better.
    • All the praise about Sketch—the glowing reviews, etc. I honestly can say, that I have not used a more buggy desktop application (other than when beta testing). The bugs in Sketch are mystifying. Some are so truly bizarre, that trying to describe them to Sketch support is next to impossible.
      Sketch has great potential, and a fantastic community behind it, but the application itself is not there yet.
      If I could choose some features/fixes to be tackled ASAP, they'd be..
      1. Rebuild the handling of text from the ground up. Blow it up and start again. It is a nightmare if you want to do anything other than use 1 font, 1 weight in a text field. I'm sure you've all tried to change the size of the first line of text to make it heading, then change the weight, then the line height—BOOM. Sketch has a meltdown. They claimed to have fixed the text bugs a few versions ago, but they simply did not—or a whole new group of bugs were born. No idea.
      2. Figure out a better way of handling the selection of objects on artboards. Currently, this is an exercise in frustration.
      3. Fix the layout grid bugs. Sometimes the grid will appear half off the artboard for no reason.

    Drawing online

    Funny Sketchpad drawing online - is a very fun program for lovers of creative drawing and experimentation! In fact, Sketchpad - is a virtual tool through which you can do all sorts of drawings and inscriptions by the lightweight fingers' stresses on the screen of the device.

    You can draw online selecting colors and brushes to express your own mood, to do the stylish black-and-white and iridescent masterpieces. Sketchpad online paint having a pleasant and friendly to all interface makes it easy to save your 'works of art'. And then, if you wish, you can share your creativity with the world through social networks.

    Sketch Io 5.1

    Among the features of an application:

  • there is no advertising;
  • 4.0

  • painting online allows you to set your sketch as a wallpaper on your desktop;
  • there are sixteen brushes for every taste;
  • available canvas sizes of various kinds - from two hundred forty to three hundred and twenty to eight thousand two hundred eighty on;
  • there is Sketch tool for size controlling;
  • you can open a previously saved photos and sketches, etc.

  • broken image